新关注 > 信息聚合 > 梅艳芳哥哥梅德明喉癌病逝 草蜢三子拒谈帮忙

梅艳芳哥哥梅德明喉癌病逝 草蜢三子拒谈帮忙

Anita Mui's brother Mei Deming died of laryngeal carcinoma grasshopper three sub Jutan help

2015-03-13 08:14:23来源: 中国青年网

草蜢三子 北京时间3月13日消息,据香港媒体报道,已故乐坛巨星梅艳芳的胞兄梅德明因患喉癌于前天病逝,而阿梅生前徒弟草蜢三子闻悉噩耗大感愕然,因他们昨天一早便出来工作,没有时间看到报道,也是从传媒口中获知。 草蜢表示以前有见过梅德明,但就好久没有联络,甚至梅妈也很少联络,至于会否帮...

grasshopper three sub Beijing time on March 13th message, according to Hongkong media reports, the late pop star Anita Mui's brother Mei Deming died of laryngeal carcinoma died on the day before yesterday, Ah Mui's Apprentice Cao Mengsan son read about the news startled, for they yesterday morning went out to work, no time to see the report, but also learned from media in the mouth. The grasshopper said before has seen Mei Deming, but we haven't contact, even Mui Ma is also very little contact, as for whether to help...