新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国际空间站宇航员自拍吃零食


The International Space Station astronaut self time to eat snacks

2015-02-06 23:48:15来源: 大河网

宇航员手中的零食。(图片来源:Sipaphoto) 图集详情: 当地时间2015年2月4日,想象过在太空中失重的情况下宇航员要怎么吃零食吗?这组照片是国际空间站宇航员在“希望”号日本实验舱内...

astronaut hand snacks. (photo: Sipaphoto) atlas details: local time on February 4, 2015, imagined weightless in space in the case of the astronauts how to eat snacks? This group of pictures is the International Space Station astronaut in the "Hope" in the Japanese experiment module...