新关注 > 信息聚合 > 山东省实验中学首届航空班正式开班 103名小伙帅..

山东省实验中学首届航空班正式开班 103名小伙帅..

The official opening of the experimental middle school in Shandong Province the first aviation class 103 handsome..

2015-09-15 15:15:24来源: 大众网

省实验中学首届航空班正式开班,假期时进行训练。记者朱紫瑛摄 记者朱紫瑛 生活日报9月14日讯省实验中学西校区有103名学生,他们一起去食堂吃饭、一起进教室、一起下课、一起参加训练,他们身着军...

Province experimental middle school the first aviation class formal classes and holidays for training. Reporter Zhu Ziying photo reporter Zhu Ziying life daily in September 14th, the provincial experimental high school west campus has 103 students, they went to the cafeteria to eat, into the classroom, together with the school, to participate in training, they dressed in army...