新关注 > 信息聚合 > 业主困于电梯内被救出 回家休息后又被电梯困住

业主困于电梯内被救出 回家休息后又被电梯困住

Owners trapped in the lift was rescued home and rest and be lift trapped

2015-09-28 05:26:25来源: 搜狐

消防人员正在抢救电梯被困人员。 信息时报讯 (记者 陈子垤) 昨日,家住荔湾区南源花园的业主十分心烦,因为他们小区的电梯发生故障,一大早十几个业主就被困在电梯里40分钟,两个小时后,同一部电梯又...

firefighters are rescue trapped elevator. Information times (reporter Chen Zidie) yesterday, the owner of the Liwan District South Garden is very upset, because they are small elevator failure, a dozen owners in the early morning to be trapped in the elevator for 40 minutes, two hours later, the same elevator...