新关注 > 信息聚合 > 全国人大代表丁列明:新药进入市场先坐5年“冷板..


Deputies to the National People's Congress on new drugs to market Ding: sit 5 years "cold plate..

2015-03-12 01:45:20来源: 金融界

医药招标采购急需改革助力 “去年10月份有位在苏州的创业‘千人计划’专家找我(诉苦),他2006年回来创业,历时8年,8000万元的投入,研发了一款治疗肝癌的产品,而2014年销售仅170多万元...

medicine bidding purchasing power" in urgent need of reform in October last year, a business in Suzhou 'thousand person plan' experts find me (complaints), he is back in 2006 venture, which lasted 8 years, 80000000 yuan investment, research and development a paragraph HCC treatment products, and sales in 2014 only about 1700000 yuan...