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章子怡晒儿时童年照 秀发拂面清秀可人(图)

Zhang Ziyi sun childhood childhood as hair blowing Qingxiu Keren (map)

2014-12-11 22:54:08来源: 中国青年网

章子怡童年照 12月11日,章子怡通过微博晒童年靓照,并和大家分享儿时小伙伴被爸妈打时的开场白:“友人来片场探班,聊起小时候被打时爸妈的开场白,笑抽了。‘我本来不想打你的……去,关上门……!’被...

Zhang Ziyi childhood pictures in December 11th, Zhang Ziyi through the micro-blog sun childhood photos, and share the childhood small partners were parents play the opening: "friends to visit, talk about opening parents when beaten, smile the. 'I didn't want to call you...... Go, shut the door...! ' Be...