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库克炮轰电影乔布斯投机炒作 编剧称其脸皮太厚

Cook shelling film jobs speculation speculation screenwriter says its too thick skinned

2015-09-26 12:54:14来源: TechWeb

【TechWeb报道】9月26日消息,环球影片发行的电影《乔布斯》引发了全球关注。近日,苹果首席执行官库克在谈论这部电影时指出,非常反感制片方利用乔布斯“借机炒作”。 不过,影片方日前对库克进行了...

[techweb reported] September 26 news, universal pictures released the film "jobs" triggered a global concern. Recently, Apple CEO Cook when talking about the movie, very disgusted with the production side of the use of Jobs, the opportunity to hype". However, the film before Cook was carried out...

标签: 电影