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多地启动电子交易平台 中药材交易步入电商时代

How to start the electronic trading platform in the medicinal trade entered the era of electricity providers

2015-05-11 09:13:12来源: 新浪

生意社05月11日讯 在日前召开的第44届全国药材药品交易会现场“中药之都云电子商务平台”正式启动。与会医生指出,随着中国各地中药材市场大宗药材电子交易平台的陆续启动,中国中药材交易有望告别“看...

business agency 05 month 11 days will be the official launch site "Chinese medicine cloud e-commerce platform" in the recently held forty-fourth national medicinal drug trading. The doctor pointed out that, along with the medicine market China around the medicinal material of the electronic trading platform launched, Chinese Chinese herbal medicines Trading is expected to bid farewell to "see...

标签: 电商