新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中瑞商业大奖获奖企业感言:投资中国是最正确选择


Swiss Business Awards Winners speech: investment in China is the most correct choice

2015-09-30 19:02:29来源: 人民网

第二届“中瑞商业大奖”颁奖典礼9月29日晚在北京举行,图为瑞士联邦委员会委员兼内务部部长Alain Berset致开幕词。(中国瑞士商会提供) 第二届“中瑞商业大奖”获奖企业合影。(中国瑞士商会提供) 中国经济网北京9月30日讯(记者林秀敏)9月29日晚,由中国瑞士商会北京主办的...

the second session of the Swiss Business Awards ceremony was held on the evening of September 29 in Beijing, the Swiss Federal Council member and the Ministry of the interior minister Alain Berset induced speech at the opening ceremony of the. (China Swiss Chamber of Commerce) second in the Swiss Business Award winning business photo. (China Swiss Chamber of Commerce) China Economic Net Beijing (reporter Lin Xiumin) September 29th September 30th, sponsored by the China Chamber of Commerce in Beijing...