新关注 > 信息聚合 > 微博除夕日活跃用户破1亿大关 同比暴涨46%

微博除夕日活跃用户破1亿大关 同比暴涨46%

New year's Eve micro-blog daily active user break 100000000 mark year-on-year surge of sina 46%

2015-02-19 17:27:42来源: 新浪

新浪科技讯 2月19日下午消息,明星效应、联合支付宝在除夕当天发出1亿现金红包巨奖再加上春晚“神段子”的刺激,使微博在除夕再创高峰。继微信和支付宝之后,除夕红包之战的另一个重量级玩家微博公布了除夕成...

dispatch of sina science and technology on February 19th afternoon message, the star effect, combined with pay treasure in the new year's Eve day issued 100000000 red envelopes of cash jackpot. Coupled with the Spring Festival Gala "God joke" stimulus, the micro-blog on New Year's Eve to new heights. After WeChat and pay treasure, new year's Eve red battle another heavyweight game player micro-blog announced on New Year's Eve into...