新关注 > 信息聚合 > 佟丽娅剧组庆生 陈思诚甜蜜献吻深情告白

佟丽娅剧组庆生 陈思诚甜蜜献吻深情告白

Liyan tong cast and birthday celebration Chen Sicheng sweet kiss love conversation

2016-08-09 10:29:23来源: 新浪

新浪娱乐讯 8月8日,佟丽娅[微博]在横店《远大前程》剧组庆生,陈思诚[微博]甜蜜献吻并深情告白,还带领剧组集体为丫丫唱生日歌送上祝福。 在直播中,佟丽娅不仅称陈思诚为剧组的“颜值担当”、“我们...

Sina entertainment inquiry on August 8, liyan tong (microblogging) in hengdian "great expectations" cast and birthday celebration, Chen Sicheng [microblogging] sweet kiss and love conversation, also led the cast of the collective sing birthday song for her to bless. In the broadcast, liyan tong called Chen Sicheng cast not only appearance level "guide", "we...