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传奇谢幕!佟健哽咽:难说再见 今夜有个遗憾

The legendary bow! Tong Jian choked with sobs: to say goodbye tonight have a regret

2015-03-26 23:43:33来源: 新浪

庞清/佟健在比赛中 新浪体育讯 北京时间3月26日,2015年世界花样滑冰锦标赛在上海东方体育中心结束了第二天的赛程并产生了首枚金牌。在双人自由滑的较量中,老将庞清/佟健虽然出现了小失误,但也凭...

Pang Qing / Tong Jian in the game of sina sports news Beijing standard time on March 26th, the 2015 World Figure Skating Championships in Shanghai Oriental Sports Center ended the second day schedule and produce the first gold medal. In the double free skating contest, veteran Pang Qing / Tong Jian although there has been a small mistake, but also depends on the...