新关注 > 信息聚合 > 半价贱卖!曝曼城1400万镑放行哲科 24小时内体检

半价贱卖!曝曼城1400万镑放行哲科 24小时内体检

Half price sale! Exposure Manchester City of 14 million pounds release Dzeko 24 hours in medical

2015-08-05 16:18:39来源: 网易

据天空体育的消息称,曼城方面已经接受了罗马对哲科的报价,波黑前锋将在24小时内转会。 网易体育8月5日报道: 据天空体育的消息称,英超劲旅曼城已经接受了意甲球队罗马对波黑前锋哲科1400万英镑的...

according to sky sports news, city has accepted the bid from Rome to Dzeko, Bosnian striker will be within 24 hours of transfer. Netease sports reported on August 5: according to sky sports news, the Premiership giants Manchester City has accepted the Serie A side Roma to the Bosnian striker Edin Dzeko of 14 million pounds...