新关注 > 信息聚合 > 美H1B加急申请4月27日开始处理 半月内将获结果

美H1B加急申请4月27日开始处理 半月内将获结果

The H1B began in April 27th with a half months urgent application will be the

2015-04-16 11:10:13来源: 人民网

中新网4月16日电 据美国中文网报道,美国移民局(USCIS)宣布,将于4月27号开始处理已经申请了加急处理的H1B材料,包括硕士以上高学历者对豁免名额的加急申请。这比之前所说的5月11日提前了半个月。 今年3月12日,移民局曾宣布对审理加急申请的H1B材料进行调整,因预测2016财...

in new network on 16 April, according to the sinovision.net reported, America immigration (USCIS) announced, will start processing has been applied for expedited processing of H1B materials in April 27th, including the master or above high school calendar to exempt places the urgent application. It is said before May 11th half a month in advance. In March 12th this year, immigration has announced for the trial of urgent H1B material for fiscal 2016 adjusted, prediction...