新关注 > 信息聚合 > 有赞的秘诀:“3+1”模式实现用户沉淀


There's the secret: "3+1" model to achieve the user precipitation

2015-03-08 19:52:14来源: 亿邦动力网

【亿邦动力网讯】3月8日消息,有赞联合创始人黄荣荣在首届亿邦微商产业峰会上透露,移动电商要懂得经营客户,“3+1”模式可以将用户进行精准的细分并沉淀下来。 有赞联合创始人黄荣荣 黄荣荣指出,通过...

billion state power network March 8th news, there co-founder Huang Rongrong in the first Yibang derivative industry summit that, mobile electric must know how to manage customer, "3+1" pattern can be user precise subdivision and settle down. There co-founder Huang Rongrong Huang Rongrong points out, through...