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范加尔确认鲁尼周末联赛复出 点出左后卫三大人选

Louis van Gaal confirmed Rooney weekend league comeback at left back three candidates

2015-09-19 06:46:56来源: 新浪

鲁尼将复出 新浪体育讯 由于受伤,鲁尼连续错过了曼联3-1击败利物浦以及1-2不敌埃因霍温的比赛,而本周末,曼联将在联赛中对阵南安普顿,主教练范加尔在赛前新闻发布会上确认鲁尼将在本场比赛复出。 ...

Rooney comeback of sina sports dispatch due to injury, Wayne Rooney missed the Manchester United in a 3-1 win over Liverpool and 1-2 defeat to PSV Eindhoven in the game, and this weekend, Manchester United will in the League against South Northampton, coach Louis van Gaal in the pre match press conference confirmed Rooney will resurface in the game. ...