新关注 > 信息聚合 > 温州援疆教师工作室力推学校“精品课”建设


Since the Wenzhou aid border teacher studio pushing school "excellent course" construction

2014-12-19 18:21:08来源: 浙江在线

温州援疆教师工作室组建以来,温州援疆教师通过整合资源,集合力量,推出“精品课”讲座,每周开展一次,在温州援疆教师工作室内举行,由援疆教师辅导当地青年教师上好精品课。 辅导讲座主要围绕精品课“备课...

Wenzhou aid border teacher studio set up, Wenzhou Xinjiang teachers through the integration of resources, gather strength, launched the "excellent course" lecture, to carry out once a week, held in Wenzhou in Xinjiang teachers in the studio, Xinjiang teachers' guidance by local youth teacher's excellent quality course. Tutorial lecture mainly around the excellent course "lesson...