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曝2K17阿联能力值79超加内特 宫帅:他配得上进NBA

United Arab exposure 2K17 ability value of Garnett Palace 79 super handsome: he was worthy of the NBA

2016-08-20 05:27:43来源: 华体网

2K14中的易建联 讯 北京时间8月18日,易建联签约湖人的消息让很多球迷为之一振。著名游戏公司《2K》也紧跟时代步伐,把易建联添加到了2K17名单里,并且给出了79的超高能力值。 79是一种什么概念?在2K16版本中,状元唐斯的能力值也只有78而已,加内特更是低到75。以79分为分...

2K14 in Yi FRANCISCO, August 18, Yi Jianlian signed message so many Lakers fans lifted. Famous game company "2K" also keep up the pace, Yi Jianlian added to the list in 2K17, and gives the ultra-high capacity value of 79. 79 is a concept? In the 2K16 version, champion ability value Downs is only just 78, Garnett is as low as 75. It is divided into 79 points ...