新关注 > 信息聚合 > 河北师大1650名学子向邓颖超雕像敬礼 砥砺自我

河北师大1650名学子向邓颖超雕像敬礼 砥砺自我

Hebei Normal University, 1650 students to salute the statue of Deng Yingchao

2015-05-05 23:14:28来源: 长城网

长城网5月5日讯(记者席亚楠 张铮)为纪念五四运动96周年,2015年5月4日下午,河北师范大学团委、党委学生工作部联合举办的“传承五四精神共圆青春梦想”河北师范大学青年学生五四集中宣誓暨向邓颖超雕...

the Great Wall Dili self network May 5th news (reporter Xi Yanan Zhang Zheng) to commemorate the five four anniversary of Yundong 96, May 4, 2015 in the afternoon, Party Work Department, students of Hebei Normal University jointly organized the "five four spirit heritage circle youth dream" Hebei Normal University students five four oath & to Deng Yingchao carving...