新关注 > 信息聚合 > 刘强东改口称奶茶太太 同游泰国被偷拍似已结婚

刘强东改口称奶茶太太 同游泰国被偷拍似已结婚

Liu Qiangdong said the tea lady with a tour of Thailand was candid camera seems to have married

2015-02-08 13:31:12来源: 华商网

[摘要]据欧洲时报法纵网微博消息,“奶茶妹妹”章泽天因被星探发掘而走红,与富商刘强东恋情曝光后,二人恋情备受外界关注。 原标题:刘强东受访时称章泽天奶茶太太 两人已悄悄完婚? 刘强东改口称奶茶太太 同游泰国被偷拍似已结婚 据欧洲时报法纵网微博消息,“奶茶妹妹”章泽天因被星探发掘...

[Abstract] according to European Times longitudinal micro-blog news network, "tea sister" Zhang Zetian by talent scouts discover and popular, and businessman Liu Qiangdong love after exposure, two people love much outside attention. The original title: Liu Qiangdong respondents said Mrs. Zhang Zetian milk tea two have been quietly married? Liu Qiangdong said the tea lady with a tour of Thailand was candid camera seems to have married according to European Times longitudinal micro-blog news network, "tea sister" Zhang Zetian by talent scouts discover...