新关注 > 信息聚合 > 陈奕迅赞EXO有礼貌:进房间后就向前辈鞠躬(图)


Eason Chan praised the EXO polite: into the room to senior bow (Figure)

2014-12-05 17:17:55来源: 中国青年网

中新网12月5日电 据台湾“中国时报”报道,日前,韩国当红团体EXO在MAMA颁奖典礼被批对刘德华没礼貌,引发两派粉丝网上激辩,而同场献歌的陈奕迅事后则大赞EXO相当有礼貌,进房第一件事就是向前辈鞠躬。 日前,EXO在MAMA颁奖典礼上风头正劲,一举拿下4奖项成为当晚最大赢家,不过当...

in new network on 5 December, according to Taiwan "China times" reported, recently, South Korean pop group EXO at the MAMA awards to be rude to Andy Lau, causing two fans online debate, and a song of Eason Chan after praising EXO was quite polite, into the room the first thing is to senior bow. Recently, EXO show at the MAMA awards by winning 4 awards, becoming the biggest winner of the night, but when...