新关注 > 信息聚合 > 【企业并购】安邦竞购喜达屋“来去匆匆” 鸿海联..

【企业并购】安邦竞购喜达屋“来去匆匆” 鸿海联..

[M] "hurry" Starwood Ampang bid for Hon Hai Lian.

2016-04-03 23:33:21来源: 新浪

FX168讯 跨国并购和国际外汇市场之间存在着相互交融的密切联系,汇率的强弱对于决定收购标价格的影响将直接决定出价意愿,反过来大规模并购引发的资金流也将制约汇价走势。 随着中国作为经济大国的不断...

Fx168 news between transnational merger and acquisition (M & A) and the international foreign exchange market there are interacting with each other closely linked, the strength of the exchange rate in determining acquisition prices will directly determine the bid will, in turn large-scale mergers and acquisitions triggered capital flow will also restrict the exchange rate movements. As China continues to be a major economic power...