新关注 > 信息聚合 > 要做旅游平台:房屋租赁应用Airbnb试水新应用


Try to do travel platform: rental application an water new applications

2016-08-19 04:49:19来源: 亿邦动力网

美国度假房屋租赁网站Airbnb正在测试一款帮助用户寻找和制定旅行计划的独立应用,凸显出这项计划在该公司内部的重要性。 Airbnb正在向餐馆预订和城市旅游等新型旅行服务领域扩张,从而将该公司从单...

The vacation rental growing company is testing a website to help users find and independent application of travel plan, highlights the importance of the project within the company. Reality are traveling to the restaurant reservations and urban tourism, and other new expand service areas, bringing the company from a single...

标签: AI