新关注 > 信息聚合 > 各地萌娃"立蛋"迎春分:春分到,蛋儿俏(图)


Adorable baby "around the vertical egg" spring: the spring equinox to the egg, Qiao son (map)

2015-03-21 17:13:03来源: 南方网

摘要: 为迎接3月21日春分节气,多地举行“立蛋”活动,我国民间有“春分到、蛋儿俏”的谚语。 3月20日,江苏省常州市茶山中心幼儿园的小朋友们在玩“立蛋”游戏。当日,为迎接3月21日春分节气,多地举行“立蛋”活动,我国民间有“春分到、蛋儿俏”的谚语。新华社发(陈暐 摄)

Abstract: to meet the March 21st equinox solar term, many held a "vertical egg" activities, our country folk "the vernal equinox to the egg, Qiao son" proverbs. In March 20th, Jiangsu province Changzhou City Chashan center kindergarten kids playing "vertical egg" game. On the same day, for the March 21st equinox solar term, many held a "vertical egg" activities, our country folk "the vernal equinox to the egg, Qiao son" proverbs. Xinhua News Agency (Chen Wei photo)