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“足球豪门”是怎样炼成的? 企业家参访拜仁慕尼黑

"Football club" is how to make? Entrepreneurs visiting Bayern Munich Sina

2015-10-16 19:04:26来源: 新浪

引言:“我们准备在上海开设一个办公室,这将更有利于我们开拓中国市场。”10月15日,拜仁慕尼黑董事会成员约尔格 瓦克对中国企业家俱乐部国际访问团成员们说,他们已经看到了中国的机遇,今后希望更多地开拓...

introduction: "we prepare to open an office in Shanghai, which will be more conducive to our development in China." On October 15, the director of Bayern Munich will Wacker Joerg members of China Entrepreneur Club International access panel members said. They had already seen the opportunities in China, in the future I hope to open up more.