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快速拥有八块腹肌 用冲刺跑开练

Quick has eight abdominal sprint run away with practicing

2016-09-01 01:39:10来源: 千龙

图片来源/健美网 冲刺跑可以说是一种最能考验心肺能力且燃烧大量脂肪的训 炼了。它无需任何器械便可进行,只需要一个空旷的场地或跑道。它属于全身运动,可锻炼到全身肌群,小腿,股二,臀,髋外展肌,胸肌,...

Source / fitness network sprint can be said to be a best test and burn a lot of fat cardio capacity of refining the training. It can be carried out without any equipment, just an empty space or runways. It belongs to the whole body movement, you can exercise the muscles of the body, leg, thigh Second, hip, hip abductors, chest, ...