新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《龙之谷》新版六载时光今日上线 开放93级噩梦关卡

《龙之谷》新版六载时光今日上线 开放93级噩梦关卡

"The valley of the dragon" the new six years time to open 93 nightmare for online today

2016-07-21 11:41:23来源: 新浪

新浪游戏讯 7月21日消息,为了庆祝六周年“在一起,再一起”的美好时光,《龙之谷》今日推出“六载时光”周年庆版本,新版本不仅开放了93级噩梦关卡万丈深渊、公会巢穴、战斗修炼场等副本内容,全新泳装、人宠新衣、耍赖表情、六周年庆典活动、阿尔特里亚大陆第八季也使整个六周年带来更多乐趣,新服“在...

Sina game - July 21 news, celebrating the sixth anniversary "together, together again" good time, today, "the dragon valley" for the anniversary of the "six years time" version, the new version is not only to open the level 93 nightmare for the abyss, guild nests, battle field in the science of uniting the copy content, new swimsuit, pet clothes, play to depend on the expression, sixth anniversary celebration, al terry Eurasia eighth season also bring more fun making the sixth anniversary, new clothing "in...

标签: 龙之谷