新关注 > 信息聚合 > 张国荣刘德华赵薇王祖贤吴奇隆 因换角色而走红的..

张国荣刘德华赵薇王祖贤吴奇隆 因换角色而走红的..

Leslie Cheung Andy Lau Zhao Wei Joey Wong Nicky Wu for the role of popular..

2014-08-10 19:23:18来源: 新蓝网

核心提示:新片《游园惊梦》在亚洲市场受到关注,在戏中,因为与齐秦情变而再度复出的王祖贤演活了具有同性恋倾向的“秀”,令多年未演戏的她人气重升。 王祖贤刘德华赵薇周润发张国荣 因换角而走红的明星 ...

core tip: the new film "Peony Pavilion" attention in the Asian market, in the play, because with Chyi Chin again out of the situation changed and Joey Wong wonderfully with homosexual tendencies "show", make many years acting her popularity rise again. Joey Wong Andy Lau Zhao Wei Zhou Runfa Leslie Cheung in exchange for angle of the star...