新关注 > 信息聚合 > 林俊杰献唱《破风》音乐破风手打造今夏最强音


JJ Lin sing "broken wind" music breaking wind built this summer the strongest voice

2015-07-20 00:05:53来源: 中国青年网

《破风》荣誉版海报 腾讯娱乐讯 金曲唱作天王JJ林俊杰,最近不仅持续为筹备新专辑努力创作,在今年夏天更为电影《破风》献唱主题曲。继2011年《夏日乐悠悠》创作主题曲《Love UU》之后,林俊杰...

"broken wind" honor version of the poster Tencent Entertainment News songs singing King JJ recently not only continue to preparations for the creation of the new album efforts, in the summer more movie "breaking wind" offer to sing the theme song. Following the 2011 "summer day" theme song "Love UU", JJ Lin...