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郭敬明否认《爵迹》演员拿天价片酬 获范冰冰力赞

Guo jingming denied "jue mark" actors get paid for Fan bingbing touted

2016-09-02 05:52:08来源: 中国新闻网

中新网北京9月1日电(记者 张曦) 1日,电影《爵迹》在北京举办“与子同袍”新闻发布会,导演郭敬明携主演范冰冰、陈学冬、陈伟霆、郭采洁、林允、严屹宽、汪铎亮相。对于强大的演员阵容,郭敬明表示演员们并...

Beijing, Beijing on September 1 (reporter Zhang xi) 1, the film "jue mark" held in Beijing "robe with child" press conference, the director guo with starring fan bingbing, cheney, William, guo jie, Lin Yun, YanYi wide, Wang Duo appearance. For the strong cast, guo said the actors and...