新关注 > 信息聚合 > 陈佩斯杨立新10月携年度喜剧《戏台》来厦门演出


Chen Peisi Yang Lixin October annual articles "stage" to come to Xiamen to play comedy

2016-09-29 13:40:08来源: 中国广播网

央广网厦门9月29日消息(记者马宁 通讯员叶淑琼)记者从厦门嘉庚剧院了解到,著名喜剧表演艺术家陈佩斯将于10月携手搭档杨立新赴厦门演出,为厦门的戏剧迷们带来年度大戏《戏台》,自8月初开票以来,厦门嘉...

CNR net Xiamen on September 29th news (reporter Ma Ning correspondent Ye Shuqiong) reporter learned from the Xiamen Jiageng theatre, the famous comic performance artist Chen Peisi in October to join partner Yang Lixin to perform in Xiamen, bringing the annual drama "stage" for the Xiamen opera fans, since the beginning of the August ballot since Xiamen scarlett...