新关注 > 信息聚合 > 周杰伦谈婚期将近打太极:还没有到36岁呢


Jay Chou on wedding day nearly play Tai Chi: is not even 36 years old yet

2014-08-30 03:05:44来源: 中国青年网

周杰伦马来西亚代言 据香港媒体报道,自周杰伦(周董)表示会在36岁前结婚后,其婚事一直成为传媒焦点,他到马来西亚出席代言活动时再被问到婚期,周董以“新碟”避开结婚话题,指距离明年36岁的限期还有...

Jay Chou endorsement of Malaysia according to the Hongkong media reports, since Jay Chou (Jay Chou) said it would at the age of 36 after the marriage, the marriage has become the focus of the media, he went to Malaysia to attend the endorsement activities when asked the wedding day, Jay Chou to his new album "" to avoid marriage topic, refers to the distance a deadline 36 years old next year and...