新关注 > 信息聚合 > 数学科学学院和航空航天系开展学生工作交流座谈


School of Mathematical Sciences and the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics students to carry out work exchange forum

2016-01-12 10:27:07来源: 复旦大学

1月8日上午,数学科学学院与航空航天系开展学生工作座谈交流,数学科学学院党委副书记张晓清、航空航天系党委副书记葛锡颖,以及两个院系的本科生辅导员参加了交流活动。 座谈会围绕如何做好本科生学业学风建...

January 8 in the morning, Mathematical Sciences and the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics discussion exchange student work carried out, Mathematical Sciences, deputy party secretary Zhang Xiaoqing, deputy party secretary of the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics Gexi Ying, and two counselors attended undergraduate faculty exchanges. Seminars on how to do the undergraduate academic study style construction ...