新关注 > 信息聚合 > 周冬雨复合前男友?火速打脸:卓伟你想多了


Zhou composite former boyfriend? Rushing face: ZhuoWei you want

2016-10-19 17:41:42来源: 新浪

原标题:曝周冬雨田明鑫雨夜同游迪士尼 疑似复合 新浪娱乐讯 10月19日,周冬雨[微博]被拍到与前男友田明鑫同框照,疑似两人旧情复燃。爆料人称,周冬雨冒着大雨与前男友共赴迪士尼乐园,疑似复合。爆...

The original title: exposure zhou Tian Mingxin rainy night truck with Disney suspected compound sina entertainment - on October 19, zhou [microblogging] was photographed with ex-boyfriend Tian Mingxin box, two people suspected of rekindling. Fact, zhou heavy rain with former boyfriend go to Disneyland, suspected compound. Critical...