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魏晨化身升旗手告别“上学” 感谢重返17岁

The incarnation of Wei Chen farewell "flag in hand to go to school" thanks to return to the age of 17

2016-09-19 20:00:28来源: 千龙

在昨晚播出的某真人秀中,亚洲全能偶像魏晨重返17岁的校园生活终于画下句点,不仅换上西装以升旗手身份“告别”上学,并在毕业晚会上献唱《花开那年》,感动所有在校生。 中秋小假期过后,包括魏晨、Ella...

In a reality TV show broadcast last night in Asia, 17 year old Wei Chen to return to the Almighty idol campus life finally ends, not only for a suit to flag in hand identity "farewell" school, and sang "flowers" that year at the graduation party, touched by all the students. After the Mid Autumn Festival, including Wei Chen, Ella...