新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《头号惊喜》何炅王嘉尔开启全民惊喜季


"Number one surprise" He Jiong open the national surprise season Wang Jiaer

2016-11-16 08:27:22来源: 金鹰网

网易娱乐11月14日报道 湖南卫视首档构建式喜剧真人秀《头号惊喜》将于本周日(11月20日)22:00惊喜开播。何炅、王嘉尔、魏大勋三人将以惊喜特派员的身份,组成“惊喜别动队”,与众多明星嘉宾一起,为圈内好友以及素人制造惊喜,分享惊喜与快乐。

NetEase reported in November 14th the first file Hunan satellite TV entertainment establishment comedy reality show "number one" surprise on Sunday (November 20th) 22:00 surprise launch. He Jiong, Wang Jiaer, Wei Daxun three people will surprise the Ombudsman's identity, "surprise Rangers", together with the guest stars, as the circle of friends and customers to surprise, surprise and joy to share.