新关注 > 信息聚合 > 游戏开发商赞Xbox One X性能强劲 但无法匹敌顶配PC

游戏开发商赞Xbox One X性能强劲 但无法匹敌顶配PC

Game developers like Xbox One X powerful performance, but can not match the top with PC

2017-07-16 23:43:47来源: 新浪

微软的Xbox One X还有几个月就要上市了,虽然有传闻称会跳票,但毫无依据,所以应抱有信心。而另一个令人怀疑的点,是这款新型号Xbox One的硬件性能,究竟能否媲美顶配PC实现4K游戏体验? ...

Microsoft Xbox One X a few months to the market, although there are rumors that will bounce, but there is no evidence, so be confident. Another dubious point is that the new type of Xbox One hardware performance, whether comparable to the top PC, 4K game experience? ...

标签: 游戏 PC Xbox