新关注 > 信息聚合 > 王者荣耀:QG针对战术获胜!二比零击败JC战队!


King glory: QG for tactical victory! The second 1-0 defeat JC team!

2017-08-13 03:54:30来源: 搜狐新闻


Start to JC proactive assembled three blue buff invasion of rivals, but QG guiguzi, flashed through the wall to absorb sun shangxiang, succeeded in winning one of blood, and strong in the follow-up after kill zhang fei, QG2 2-0 ahead for the time being. In the later time, written many times cooperate with teammates struck sun shangxiang, head gradually widening economic gap. 14 minutes under the restrain of zhuge, QG out the second dragon, and a wave of the end of the game, QG big score 2...

标签: 王者荣耀