新关注 > 信息聚合 > 暌违3个月黄子韬美国归来 演综艺为粉丝备惊喜

暌违3个月黄子韬美国归来 演综艺为粉丝备惊喜

Separated for 3 months, Huang Zitao the United States returned to play variety for the fans by surprise

2015-07-14 00:25:29来源: 中国青年网

黄子韬下飞机与粉丝打招呼 黄子韬粉丝机场接机 腾讯娱乐讯今晚,黄子韬从美国洛杉矶飞返回国,大批粉丝下午已经提前在机场集合等待,8点半左右,睽违近三个月的他终于出现,步伐轻快,神情轻松,看起来状态很不错,边走边向呐喊的人群挥手鞠躬。 尽管所乘搭的飞机延误了一个多小时,但粉丝热情不...

Huang Zitao the plane with the fans play called Huang Zitao fans airport pick-up Tencent Entertainment news tonight, Huang Zitao from Los Angeles to fly back to China, a large number of fans in the afternoon has been ahead of the at the airport waiting for collection, eight and a half or so, after nearly three months, he finally appeared, brisk pace, look easy, looks very good state, while walking to the roar of the crowd waved bow. Although the plane was delayed for more than an hour, the fans were not enthusiastic...