新关注 > 信息聚合 > 大学老师不能使用iPhone X 的5大理由

大学老师不能使用iPhone X 的5大理由

The university teacher cannot use the iPhone X 5 big reason

2017-09-17 01:46:39来源: 搜狐新闻

被人看到,还以为你挪用科研经费收取学生红包了呢。大学老师经常满脸粉笔末。Face ID识别不了怎么办?本文版权归原作者及原出处所有,内容为作者观点,并不代表本公众号赞同其观点和对其真实性负责。如涉及...

Being seen, thought you divert funding for students red envelopes? At the end of the university teachers often with a piece of chalk. Don't Face ID? All Copyrights in this paper the author and the original origin, the content of the author view, does not represent the public agree with their views and responsibility for their authenticity. Such as involving...