新关注 > 信息聚合 > 10月份六安全市商品房销售面积同比下降56.6%


October, six safe city commercial housing sales fell by 56.6%

2017-11-15 19:20:40来源: 中安在线

中安在线讯据六安新闻网报道, 记者日前从市住建委获悉,10月份全市商品房销售面积35.6万平方米,同比下降56.6%,环比下降28.0%;销售金额20.7亿元,同比下降49.6%,环比下降29.2%...

An online news according to Lu'an news network reported that the reporter learned from the Municipal Construction Committee before the date of October, the city's commercial housing sales area of 356 thousand square meters, down 56.6%, a decline of 28%; the amount of sales 2 billion 70 million yuan, down 49.6%, a decline of 29.2%...