新关注 > 信息聚合 > 刘晓庆领衔话剧“武则天” 明年海内外巡演138场

刘晓庆领衔话剧“武则天” 明年海内外巡演138场

Liu Xiaoqing starring drama "Wu Zetian" next year at home and abroad tour in 138 games

2015-09-24 02:05:21来源: 华龙网

【摘要】 (记者 应妮)由著名演员刘晓庆领衔的大型传奇历史话剧《武则天》将于12月12日在北京人民大会堂首演,随后将赴美国和加拿大巡演。与刘晓庆有着20年合作的中国首席造型设计师毛戈平也将再次操刀,为刘晓庆量身打造一个全新的舞台版“武则天”形象。 刘晓庆“逆龄”亮相历史话剧《武则天》...

[Abstract] (a reporter should be) headed by the famous actress Liu Xiaoqing large legendary historical drama "Wu Zetian" will be in on December 12 in Beijing's Great Hall of the people in the premiere, then will go to the United States and Canada on the tour. Has 20 years of cooperation with Liu's chief stylist Mao Geping will once again wield the sword, Liu Xiaoqing to create a new stage version of "Wu Zetian" image. Liu Xiaoqing "reverse age" appearance of historical drama "Wu Zetian"...