新关注 > 信息聚合 > 施密特:安卓之父的梦幻新机跑的是Android系统


Schmidt: the new dream machine Andrews father running the Android system

2017-04-04 11:34:51来源: 华商网

[摘要]本周早些时候,Android之父Andy Rubin通过推特分享了一张手机图片,而图片中的手机正是他刚刚成立的Essential公司推出的新款智能手机。 本周早些时候,Android之父Andy Rubin通过推特分享了一张手机图片,而图片中的手机正是他刚刚成立的Essent...

[Abstract] earlier this week, Android's father, Andy Rubin, shared a mobile phone picture through Twitter, and the phone in the picture was the new smartphone introduced by his new Essential company. Earlier this week, Android's father, Andy Rubin, shared a cellphone picture with Twitter, and the phone in the picture was his new Essent...

标签: 安卓 Android