新关注 > 信息聚合 > 什么鬼?听说“跑马灯厂”雷蛇也要造手机?(图)


What the hell? Heard of "run" lantern factory razer also want to build a mobile phone? (FIG.)

2016-12-28 21:31:05来源: TechWeb

【PConline资讯】雷蛇(Razer)是全球顶级游戏外设品牌之一,近日频频有消息传出,雷蛇也要插足手机界,目前网上曝光了一组据说是雷蛇手机的渲染图,看起来无比拉风,我们一起来瞧瞧。 首先这部手机一眼望过去就是雷蛇凌厉有力的风格,线条刚猛,纯爷儿味十足。 雷蛇一直被誉为“灯厂”,因...

Razer PConline information 】 【 (Razer) is one of the global brand of top class game peripherals, recently there are news, Razer also want to in the mobile phone industry, the current Internet exposes a group is said to be the Razer phone rendering, looks very smart in, let's see. First looked up at this phone is razer sharp strong style of line is a strong, pure YeEr flavour is dye-in-the-wood. Razer has long been known as "lamp factory," because...