新关注 > 信息聚合 > 黑客凭漏洞勒索苹果15 万美元比特币

黑客凭漏洞勒索苹果15 万美元比特币

Hackers with holes blackmail apple $150000 COINS

2017-03-28 04:14:33来源: 中关村在线

一个土耳其黑客组织 Turkish Crime Family 日前宣称,已经获取了接近 6 亿 iCloud 账户凭证,要求苹果在 4 月 7 日前拿出价值 15 万美元的比特币或者 Ehereum 来换取,否则将直接抹除这些账号。 就这起黑客勒索事件,苹果发言人正式回应:目前 iClo...

A Turkey Turkish hackers organization Crime Family has claimed that have already obtained nearly 600 million up account vouchers, asked apple took out $150000 on April 7 COINS or Ehereum for, otherwise will erase the account directly. The hackers extortion incident, a spokesman for apple official response: current iClo...

标签: 苹果