新关注 > 信息聚合 > 蕲春万人今日送别“大别山师魂”汪金权


Qichun million people today to bid farewell to "the soul of Dabie Mountain," Wang Jinquan

2015-06-19 12:13:34来源: 荆楚网

汪老师生前给学生上课 楚天时报讯(记者柯利华通讯员陈钰胡胜林)今日上午10时,“大别山师魂”汪金权老师遗体告别仪式,将在蕲春县烈士陵园纪念堂举行。 据蕲春县教育局负责人介绍,届时有省教育厅和...

wang teacher during his lifetime to the students class metropolis Times News (reporter correspondent Ke Lihua Chen Yu Hu Shenglin) this morning 10 when, "Dabie Mountain soul" Teacher Wang timocracy remains farewell ceremony, will be in Qichun county cemetery of martyrs memorial. According to the Qichun County Board of education, the person in charge of the Provincial Education Department and...