新关注 > 信息聚合 > 杭州萧山湘湖要建全天候水上乐园 助力景区升级

杭州萧山湘湖要建全天候水上乐园 助力景区升级

Hangzhou Xiaoshan Xianghu to perfecting the Zhejiang Online weather water park help scenic upgrade

2015-07-30 22:47:13来源: 浙江在线

浙江在线杭州7月30日讯(浙江在线 记者/黄兆轶)持续的高温让我们和烤肉之间只欠一把孜然,夏日消暑最佳的办法就应该是呆在水里! 近日,有网友向浙江在线报料称,萧山湘湖景区要兴建一个水上乐园项目。...

online, Zhejiang Hangzhou July 30 hearing (Zhejiang Online reporter / huangzhao Yi) sustained high temperatures and let us barbecue only owe the cumin, the best way to summer heat should stay in the water! Recently, there are friends to the Zhejiang online news, said Xianghu Xiaoshan scenic area to build a water park project. ...