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2015BMW3 Fuzhou Station fox bar ended

2015-05-18 18:45:54来源: 爱卡汽车网

[XCAR 福州 资讯] 2015年5月,在这个春暖花开的季节,BMW 3行动又一次如约来到福州,与众多3系粉丝共同穿越这个夏天。今年恰逢BMW 3系40周年生辰,在“粉丝热潮,势不可挡”的主题昭示下,BMW 3系的车主和粉丝们欢聚在一起,全情投入,共同庆祝“运动王者”40生辰的重要...

[XCAR Fuzhou information may 2015, in the spring season, BMW 3 action and a time as promised arrived in Fuzhou, and many 3 series fans together through this summer. The theme of this year coincides with the BMW 3 series of the 40th anniversary of the birthday, in the fans boom, unstoppable "shows, the BMW 3 series, the owners and fans gathered together, total devotion to celebrate the" sport of kings "40th birthday...