新关注 > 信息聚合 > 火线精英雷明顿870-灭世


Firewire elite Remington 870 - destroy the world

2016-03-14 21:26:20来源: 4399

火线精英XM8-炫动 描述 雷明顿870灭世系列枪型全新登场。枪身以灭世经典花纹配合金色经典军事图案进行涂装。 属性上集合了雷明顿870的超强威力和灭世系列武器的特殊猎魔效果于一身。配合生化弹匣...

The XM8 firewire elite - moves describe Remington 870 destroyed a fresh start on the series gun type. The gun to destroy the world classic decorative pattern with golden classic military pattern for coating. Collection on properties of Remington 870 super power series and put out the weapon special hunting magic effects at a suit. Cooperate with biochemical magazine...