新关注 > 信息聚合 > 沙区投放600辆纯电动公租车 租金每小时20元起

沙区投放600辆纯电动公租车 租金每小时20元起

On the 600 pure electric car rental in sandy The rent 20 yuan per hour

2016-02-04 11:55:40来源: 环球网

本报讯 (记者 吴键)日前,600辆纯电动“公租车”在沙区投入使用,位于大学城、西永物流园等地的4个租车点同步启用,消费者凭驾照即可前往租用,租金低至每小时20元起,日租最低也仅需79元,月租1380元起。 据投放这批车辆的(重庆)电动汽车服务有限公司负责人介绍,近期还将有车辆批量投放...

Report from our correspondent (reporter Wu Jian) days before the 600 pure electric "public rental" put into use in xiasha district, located in the university town, west wing logistics park and other places of the four car rental point synchronization is enabled, the consumer with a driver's license can go to rent, the rent as low as 20 yuan per hour, the daily rent is only 79 yuan, lowest monthly rent 1380 yuan. According to the launch of this batch of vehicles (chongqing) electric car service co., LTD., chief introduction, recent will also have the vehicle put on...